How Do I Invite Another User to Share my Qbox Sync folder


Account owners and team members with admin permissions can initiate sharing invitations for a Sync folder. To share, log into your account at the Qbox Website ( Selected to the parent folder on the left, locate the Sync folder you would like to share on the right-hand side, and click the ‘Share’ button. Enter the email address of the user to be invited in the ‘Email Id’ box provided. Please note that a sharing invitation can be sent to any email domain.

Select a permission option for each invited user:

  • Check the ‘R/O’ box if you want to make the user ‘Read only’ – the user will only be able to view the file and any changes they make will not sync.
  • Check the ‘Admin’ box if you want to provide additional privileges to the user for the folder. The user will be able to create subfolders, delete files, release file locks manually and roll back files in the folder.
  • Leave both boxes unchecked if you want to provide the user with Read/Write permission – the user will only be able to edit and view the files in the folder.

Click ‘Send Invitation’ to share the folder.

If the invited user has already installed Qbox, the folder will be created automatically in their Qbox Explorer. New users will receive an email invitation, which will include a link to sign up for a Qbox account through the Qbox website. After signing up on the website, new users should simply download and install the Qbox Client on their computer to access the folder that was shared with them.