- Knowledge Base Home
- Basil
- FAQs: General
- FAQs: General
- FAQs: Signing up for Basil
- FAQs: Adding Clients
- FAQs: User Types and Roles
- FAQs: Adding Team Members
- FAQs: Adding Owner Firm
- FAQs: Folders
- FAQs: Documents (Files)
- FAQs: Moving Files
- FAQs: Restoring Files
- FAQs: Tasks
- FAQs: Projects and Workflow
- FAQs: eSignature and KBA
- FAQs: Storage
- FAQs: Import
- FAQs: Search
- FAQs: Notifications
- FAQs: Billing and Payments
- FAQs: Billing and Invoicing
- FAQs: Calendar
- FAQs: Chat
- Getting Started with Basil
- Basil Help Guides
- Basil Education
What file types are supported by Basil?
Currently, Basil Supports the following file types:
Microsoft Word (2007 or later) - DOC, DOCX
Microsoft Excel (2007 or later) - XLS, XLSX, CSV
Microsoft PowerPoint (2007 or later) - PPT, PPTX
Adobe Acrobat - PDF
Image files - JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, TIF, HEIC
Compressed files - ZIP
QuickBooks Desktop - QBB, QBA, QBJ