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How do I create a Sync Folder?
Can I invite a user to share just the contents of a subfolder?
Can I convert a Regular Sync folder to a Custom Sync folder?
I have been accessing folders shared with me by others. How can I create my own folders?
How do I rename a Qbox folder?
How can I delete folders and files in Qbox?
Can I restore a deleted folder or file?
Can I delete folders and files in Qbox from the Windows File Explorer?
What is the Qbox Recovery folder?
Is there a limit to the size of a file in Qbox?
Can I copy a folder and its contents directly into the Qbox Explorer?
How do I enable sync for a Custom Sync folder?
Can I convert a Custom Sync folder to Regular Sync?
How can I access my files on two computers?
Can I delete folders and files from Windows Explorer?
How do I copy a file to a Sync folder?
How do I create a new QuickBooks file in Qbox?
Can I create and share a Sync folder inside another Owner's Root folder?
What is a Root Folder?
Qbox creates a Root Folder with a unique name for each account owner. The Sync folders created by the owner are created as sub-folders of the Root folder on each user’s computer. A user can have access to own, as well as shared Sync folders in the same Qbox Explorer without conflict, as these are created as sub-folders of respective Root folders.
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What is a Sync Folder?
Sync folders are used for sharing application data files that users can work on, and collaborate in real-time. These data files are locked when opened in a supported application and synced when closed. Multiple data files from the same or different applications can be located in the same Sync folder, as long as they are shared with the same set of users. As sharing is done at the folder level, files that need to be shared with different users need to be located in different Sync folders. Account owners are billed for the number of Sync folders active on the billing date.
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How do I create a Sync Folder?
Sync folders can be created by the account owner or team admin at the Qbox Plus Web Dashboard or in the Qbox Explorer.
- Creating a Sync folder at the Qbox Plus Web Dashboard:
Log into your account at the Qbox website (www.coraltreetech.com/qbox). On the Folders and Files page, select your Root folder on the left, and click the ‘New Folder’ button to create a Sync folder. If you do not see the ‘New Folder’ button, go to the ‘Admin’ page and click the ‘Create My Folders’ button to first create your Root folder and then the Sync folders you would like to share.
- Creating a Sync folder in the Qbox Explorer:
Select your Root folder on the left, right-click in the empty space on the right-hand side, and select ‘New Folder’ from the menu to create a Sync folder. If you do not see the New Folder option, it may be because you do not have your own Root folder, and you will need to create your own folders at the Qbox Plus Web Dashboard, as described above.
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Can I invite a user to share just the contents of a subfolder?
Yes. Subfolders are shared with the same users sharing the parent Sync folder by default. Nonetheless, account owners and team members with admin permission can invite additional users to a subfolder. These users will only have access to the contents of the subfolder and will not have access to the contents of the parent Sync folder. Please note that when a subfolder is shared with additional users, it will be billed as a separate Sync folder.
To share a subfolder with additional users, log into your account at the Qbox website (www.coraltreetech.com/qbox), navigate to the subfolder you want to share. If you haven’t created a subfolder yet, navigate to the parent folder, click then three-dot button in the 'Actions' column, and click ‘New Folder’ to create and share a subfolder of the desired Sync folder. Click the subfolder's three-dot menu and use the ‘Share’ button and enter the email address of the user in the space provided. A sharing invitation can be sent to any email domain.
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How can I create subfolders?
Qbox account owners, team members, and shared users with admin permission can create subfolders inside a Sync folder to organize documents and files. Users can create a subfolder at the Qbox Plus Web Dashboard or in the Qbox Explorer the same way a Sync folder is created. Select the Sync folder you would like the subfolder to be inside, click the three-dot menu under the 'Actions' column on the right, then click the ‘New Folder’ button. Subfolders are automatically shared with the same users sharing the parent Sync folder. Account owners and team members with admin permission can also invite additional users to share the subfolder. These users will have access only to the contents of the subfolder and not those of the parent Sync folder. A subfolder is not billed unless it is shared directly with additional users.
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Can I convert a Regular Sync folder to a Custom Sync folder?
Please note that Custom Sync folders are not offered to new customers, so if you do not already have Custom Sync folders, Regular Sync folders cannot be converted. If you already have Custom Sync folders please send an email to support@coraltreetech.com and they can convert Regular Sync folders to Custom Sync folders.
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I have been accessing folders shared with me by others. How can I create my own folders?
If you have been accessing another user’s shared folders, you can create your own folders and share them with other users. Your Sync folders will appear in the Qbox Explorer under your Root folder.
To create your folders, sign in to your account at the Qbox website (www.coraltreetech.com/qbox), and click '+Add' at the top-right. You can then create your Root folder, then the Sync folders you will be sharing, and enter email addresses in the spaces provided to share the folders.
If you do not see the '+Add' button, it may be because you already have your own root folder or you are on a ‘Basic’ plan. Please contact support if you need assistance with this.
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How do I rename a Qbox folder?
Qbox Sync folders can be renamed by the account owner or team member with admin permission at the Qbox website (www.coraltreetech.com/qbox) or in the Qbox Explorer.
To rename a sync folder or subfolder from Qbox Explorer, right-click on the folder and select Rename.
To rename a sync folder or subfolder from the Qbox website, click the three-dot button under the 'Actions' column on the far right and click 'Rename'.
To rename your root folder, while logged in to the Qbox website (www.coraltreetech.com/qbox) as the Account Owner, go to the initials at the top-right and go to 'Profile'. Click the pencil icon to the right of 'Root Folder:', enter a new name, and click the save icon.
Can I rename a file in Qbox?
Qbox files cannot be renamed. If you rename a file from the Windows File Explorer, Qbox will sync down the original file again and sync up the renamed file, causing both files to show in your Qbox Explorer. Instead, copy the file outside Qbox, rename it, then copy it back to Qbox.
When the renamed file is back in your Qbox, completely synced, and you are able to open and lock the file to work as normal, you can delete the original file from your Qbox. Do not delete any files from Qbox until you are sure you have a local backup and/or a new file to work on that's completely synced in Qbox. Folders and files can be deleted by the account owner or team member with admin permission on the Qbox Explorer or at the Qbox Plus Web Dashboard. To delete from Qbox Explorer, right-click on the folder or file, and select ‘Delete’. To delete from the Web Dashboard, navigate to the file, click the three-dot button under the 'Actions' tab on the far right, and click 'Delete'. Please use caution while deleting a file, as it will be deleted from all shared user computers.
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How can I delete folders and files in Qbox?
Folders and files can be deleted by the Account Owner or Team admin, on the Qbox Explorer or at the Web Dashboard. To delete from Qbox Explorer, right-click on the folder or file, and select ‘Delete’. To delete from the Web Dashboard, navigate to the file, click the three-dot button under the 'Actions' tab on the far right, and click 'Delete'. Please use caution while deleting a folder: The contents of the folder will be deleted on all shared user computers. These may include files in the Qbox folder that have not yet synced and remain on the local disk. Similarly, when a file is deleted, it will be deleted from all shared user computers.
Qbox folders and files cannot be deleted on the Windows Explorer. If you delete a folder or file on Windows Explorer, these will not be deleted in Qbox and will be created and synced down again.
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Can I restore a deleted folder or file?
Deleted items remain available on the Qbox Cloud for a period of 30 days from the date of deletion and can be restored by the account owner or team member with admin permission at the Qbox Plus Web Dashboard. To restore, log into your account at the Qbox website (www.coraltreetech.com/qbox), select the folder on the left from which the items were deleted, and click ‘Deleted Items’. Right-click on the folder or file and select ‘Restore’ to restore them. When restoring a folder and its contents, first restore the folder, then select the folder on the left, click ‘Deleted Items’, and restore its contents. Please note that only items that have previously synced to the Qbox Cloud Server can be restored.
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Can I delete folders and files in Qbox from the Windows File Explorer?
No, Qbox folders and files cannot be deleted from the Windows File Explorer. If you delete a folder or file from the Windows File Explorer, these will not be deleted in Qbox and will be created and synced down again.
Folders and files can be deleted by the account owner or team member with admin permission on the Qbox Explorer or at the Qbox Plus Web Dashboard. To delete from Qbox Explorer, right-click on the folder or file, and select ‘Delete’. To delete from the Web Dashboard, navigate to the file, click the three-dot button under the 'Actions' tab on the far right, and click 'Delete'. Please use caution while deleting a folder: the folder and its’ contents will be deleted on all shared user computers. These may include files in the Qbox folder that have not yet synced and remain on the local disk. Similarly, when a file is deleted, it will be deleted from all shared user computers.
What is the Qbox Recovery folder?
The Qbox Recovery folder is created in the same directory path as the Qbox folder. If you worked on a file without locking it, and Qbox needs to sync changes made by another user, it will first make a copy of your file, and then sync the file from the other user. If you prefer to use your version of the file instead of the version synced by the other user, you can recover it from the Qbox Recovery folder. Qbox maintains up to two copies of the recovered files named copy 1 (most recent) and copy 2, in the recovery folder. You can rename the file back to the original, then copy and paste the file into the Qbox Explorer to replace it with your version.
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Is there a limit to the size of a file in Qbox?
Qbox will sync file sizes up to about 2 GB (gigabytes). Larger files will not sync and will cause sync errors.
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Can I copy a folder and its contents directly into the Qbox Explorer?
A folder cannot be copied directly into the Qbox Explorer. Instead, create a new folder in the Qbox Explorer, and then copy and paste only the files from the Windows File Explorer to the new folder you created in the Qbox Explorer. Multiple files can be selected and copied by holding down the CTRL or SHIFT key while clicking on the file names to make copying easier.
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How do I enable sync for a Custom Sync folder?
Qbox account owners and team admins can enable sync for a Custom Sync folder. Log into your account at the Qbox website (www.coraltreetech.com/qbox), and locate the Custom Sync folder. Click on the ‘Sync Enable’ box and select the number of months you want to enable sync.
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Can I convert a Custom Sync folder to Regular Sync?
Log into your account at the Qbox Website, (www.coraltreetech.com/qbox), and locate the Custom Sync folder. Click on the ‘Sync Enable’ box for the folder, and select ‘Upgrade to Regular Sync’. The folder will be upgraded to a Regular Sync folder.
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How can I access my files on two computers?
Please note that you need a separate email to set up Qbox on each computer, as the Qbox lock is attached to the email used on the computer.
If you own the folder that needs to be accessed on the other computer, send an invitation to share your folder with another one of your emails, and use that email to set up Qbox on the second computer. Sharing invitations can be sent from the Web Dashboard.
If you are sharing a folder owned by another user, the owner needs to send you a sharing invitation to your second email, which you can then use to set up Qbox on the second computer to access the files.
There is no additional charge for sharing the folder with more users.
How do I copy a file to a Sync folder?
Any shared user can copy files to a Sync Folder. In most cases, you can copy a file simply by copying them from the Windows file folder and pasting them in the Qbox Explorer. Right click to select copy from the Windows Explorer and then to paste the file in Qbox. For QuickBooks company files, both the QBW and TLG file need to be copied; hold down the CTRL key to select both the files. Please refer to Copy QuickBooks Files for detailed instructions on copying QuickBooks files to Qbox.
How do I create a new QuickBooks file in Qbox?
"If you're looking to create a new company from scratch using QuickBooks Desktop or QuickBooks Enterprise, first, open QuickBooks, go to the File menu, and select 'New Company...'
Go through the steps within QuickBooks to create the file. Once created, in Qbox Explorer, click the refresh circle arrow icon at the top-right. If the newly created file was created in the correct location on your computer, it should then sync to the Qbox server. If not, you can go to the File tab of Qbox Explorer, select 'Copy QuickBooks Files' and follow the prompt to import the file."
Can I create and share a Sync folder inside another Owner's Root folder?
Only the Account Owner or a Team Member with admin permission can create, rename, and delete folders inside their own Root Folder. If a Sync folder is already shared with you and you are given admin permission, you can create subfolders inside the shared folder.