Basil: Calendar

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The Basil Calendar feature offers a powerful tool to help you keep track of your tasks, appointments, and Team Member's work.

You can access your calendar by selecting the ‘Calendar’ tab.

On your first use, you will see that the calendar is empty.

On the right side are checkbox options of whose calendar to view. By default, your calendar is the only one selected. You can click the check boxes next to the names of Team Members in order to see their calendars as well as your own.

In the section below is a list of tasks that have been assigned to you but have not yet been placed on the calendar. You can click the ‘+’ symbol next to each task to add it to your calendar.

Here you can pick the day, start time, and end time for the task. If the task is expected to take all day, there is an option for that as well.

The next section is for personal notes. You can use this section as a “sticky note” for important reminders. These notes are not meant to be kept permanently and are more for upcoming deadlines or meetings. To add a new “Note” simply click on the ‘+Add’ button.

Type in the desired note information and click ‘Save’.

You can also clear all notes by clicking the ‘Clear All’ button.

As described above you can add existing tasks to the calendar from the “Tasks not scheduled” section. These can alternatively be added to the calendar from the “+Create” button at the top right of the Calendar screen. The default option here will be for you to add your unscheduled assigned tasks to your calendar.

The “Event” tab allows you to add events to your calendar that are not part of Basil such as birthdays, dental appointments, or other scheduled events not linked to Basil tasks.

As you add new events and tasks to your calendar, it will become your hub to manage your tasks, events, and overall workload.